Hello this is my card :)

Here are some of my social medes, no guarantee I'll use all of them tho

I'm LURK! Thanks for asking!

I'm a bionic fox who lives in the sprawling outskirts of reality, right in between the edges of the multiverse! I like to call it the "liminal space". Just as a heads-up before you think about vacationing there, things can get really, REALLY weird, and you can easily get lost in the multitude of winding hallways and open spaces, but that's just the way I like it. Also along for the ride are my artificially intelligent subordinates, led by the local sourpuss Sam.Now what else is there to talk about... OH! BALLS! I love balls! They're so much fun to play with! Light or heavy, big or small, I've been familiar with them since was a kit living in a white voi- uhh, what're you snickering about?Well anywho I guess that's all there is to know about me! Who knows, maybe you'll see me in your dreams or something, I 'spose!

Oh and by the way, my name's pronounced "LURK", not "LU-YAK", smartass.

NRRGH alright you got me :(

I'm Steven, a twenty-year-old neurodivergent furry from southwest Missouri. I try to draw most of the time, that is if my slothfulness doesn't get in the way first.I don't do commissions... well, yet at least.